Bond. James Bond.
Alright, let’s be honest: most of us enter a Casino with about the same regularity as the Opera, that is never or something close to hardly ever. Now isn’t that already reason enough for visiting the world-famous Casino in Estoril?! You might now exclaim: „Wow, wow… world-famous? – I’ve never heard of it!“ Well, yeah, ok. As with so many other attractions here in Portugal, one has to make a little step to encounter the true awesomeness of things. Anyways, the Casino in Estoril is pretty awesome. Not only it is run by a guy called Júlio César (!), it is also the biggest of it’s kind in Europe and it was a certain Ian Fleming that was inspired by it when writing „Casino Royale“, the first James Bond novel. Which brings us to the root of the matter. Look for some long trousers in the bottom of your backpack, ask the guy at the reception for some decent pair of shoes (honestly, you can’t imagine James Bond in Flip-Flops, can you?), make it to Estoril – depending on your budget, either the classy way (Aston Martin) or the less glamourous but more realistic way (train). Leave the Casino with 5 euros won or lost, just leave it early enough! Compulsive gambling is nothing to make jokes about…